The 374 Router Bit Grinder was designed primarily to grind
router bits both straight and spiral It can also grind a large
After unpacking your grinder, remove sub-table and
variety of small wood and steel cutters as well as carbide
centers from machine. Also remove stop finger base
tipped saw blades to 12" diameter using the saw grinding
castings. The removal of these components will facilitate
attachment Capacity of the machine is as follows
setting up the grinder. Next, place grinder on floor stand
or suitable bench of solid construction. The bench should
Grinding wheel travel-7 1/2" vertical
be 38" high to bring the grinder to a convenient working
Grinding wheel travel- 5 1/2" horizontal
No. 1). Bolt grinder to
floor stand or
bench Use four cap
Table Travel-6"
screws (dia No. 5 of Floor Stand exploded view No. 8) to
Carbide saws with attachment to 12" dia.
fasten grinder to the floor stand. The feed handle (dia No.
Distance between centers-14".
table using the two (2) cap screws(diagram No. 29).
Swing on centers (dia )-4 1/2" dia.
Assemble the moveable feed handle next. First fasten
Swing in work-head (dia )-4 1/2" dia.
cam plate (dia No. 15) to movable handle (dia No. 5) by
use of shoulder screw (dia No. 16). Be sure that cam
plate is assembled so that the counter bored holes in each
end of the cam plate are down. Now place movable
handle onto post (dia No. 18.) The cam plate is now
screw fastened to grinder table using two flat head screws
Examine Shipment Carefully inspect the machine for in-
(dia No. 27) with spacers (dia. No. 17) between cam plate
transit damage. Look particularly for cracked castings,
and grinder table. Place a small amount of cup grease or
bent or broken parts Any loss of or damaged parts should
heavy engine oil on shoulder bolt (dia No. 16) and cam
be reported to the freight agent immediately. Secure the
Traverse grinder table and check for free
freight agents notation of loss or damage on the freight bill.
movement. Next place a small amount of light-engine oil
Traffic regulations require the transportation company to
on table guide rod (dia No. 14) and on cam follower wiper
stand cost of repair or replacement.
felts (dia No. 7). Run table back and forth several times
and then wipe off excess oil.
You may elect to file your own claim against the
transportation company. In case of damage to easily
After bolting the grinder to floor stand, take a machine
replaced parts, order and pay for the new parts needed;
level and place it lengthwise on the grinder table. Adjust
enter your claim for their value against the delivering
floor legs as necessary to bring machine table level. Next
carrier. Return entire machine to Minneapolis for complete
level across table and adjust floor legs as needed to bring
rebuilding only In case of serious damage.
machine table level.
Alternatively, you may ask the factory to repair or replace
without cost to you. In this case, the following papers must
be sent to Minneapolis so parts replacement may be
1. Before grinding router bits on your grinder the
assessed against the transportation company.
following adjustment should be made:
Itemized report showing nature and extent of
Mount work-head assembly to grinder table by first placing
work-head onto table and then snugging up on cap screw
See exploded view drawing for parts identification
Paid freight bill, bearing agents notation of
plate against key slot. Next, lock work-head base plate to
table using two (2) hex cap screws (dia No. 35) and bar
Original bill of lading, and invoice (if available).
nuts (dia No. 18). Place a