TM 9-3445-465-14&P
It is a good idea to lubricate the shear thoroughly after cleaning and the. importance of proper lubrication cannot be
over emphasized. The continued accuracy and long life of the machine depends largely upon proper lubrication at all
times. Lubrication of the shear should start as soon as it has been cleaned and before any of the mechanisms are
The standard lubrication system on all series of shears is of the automatic type for main bearings and slide ways. It
consists of a lubricator (pump) which periodically pumps a measured volume of oil, distribution tubing and metering units
which supply a metered amount of oil to each main bearing. The lubricating pump is operated by a reciprocating motion
from the machine. Each stroke of the shear operates an internal cam through a worm gear and ratcheting mechanism.
After one complete revolution, the cam reaches a "step off" that allows the spring loaded pump piston to force oil through
the lines. Because the piston operates intermittently, the lubricating pressure gauge will indicate oil pressure only after
approximately 20 strokes of the machine.
Before a new machine is started, the Bijur reservoir should be filled and the "Instant Feed Button" (Figure 4) should
be pulled several times until oil flows freely at all bearings.
The reservoir oil level should be checked daily and filled as required and the entire system should be checked
periodically for loose or broken tubing, worn hoses, loose fittings and connections. Each fitting and connection is made to
pass a specific amount of oil for the particular bearing it is to serve; therefore, should any replacements become
necessary, make certain they are identical with the ones that are being replaced.
In ordering new parts direct from Bijur, the part number, name, type symbol and serial letters, as shown on the name
plate, must be given.
Important: The filter assembly must be replaced at least once a year.
Although the automatic lubricating system lubricates all of the main bearings and slide surfaces, periodic oiling of
other bearings is necessary for long life and ease of operation. All lubrication requirements are covered in Figure 5.
A lubricator is supplied in the main air supply line
between the regulator and filter on Series 0600, 0800
and 1000, and between the regulator and the air solenoid
valve on Series 0200, 0300 and 0400. When the air
clutch is engaged, air entering the clutch cylinder and air
solenoid valve carries a small amount of oil in mist form.
It is very important that the volume of oil is kept to a
minimum to keep oil from reaching the brake and clutch
facings. The quantity of oil can be reduced or increased
by adjusting the needle valve in the top of the lubricator.
Keep reservoir of lubricator full with type of oil indicated
Figure 4. Bijur Automatic Lubricating System