TM 9-3445-465-14&P
Insert shims under feet, as shown in Figure 7, so
that the jack screws can be backed off without changing
the level of the machine. The nuts on the foundation
bolts can now be tightened. After-tightening, recheck
level to make sure this operation did not disturb level
Make certain the shear is resting on the shims and
not on the jack screws. If grouting is used, do not place
under the bed of the machine. It is a good idea to
recheck the level of the machine from time to time since
We do not recommend the use of isolation mounts
under the mounting feet. The shear cannot be kept in
level with any kind of resilient pad, and damage to the
Using Two Levels
Your shear is delivered completely wired and is ready to attach to the main feed lines. In making this connection, it is
important to check the direction of flywheel rotation. To determine proper flywheel rotation, rotate the flywheel by hand
until a stenciled "arrow" comes into view. Flywheel must rotate in a clockwise direction when facing the rear of the
Compressed air supply for the air clutch and the air counterbalances (air counterbalances are provided on the 0600,
0800 and the 1000 series machines only) is connected through a "T" fitting located in the rear of the shear (Figure 9).
Regulator "A" supplies compressed air to the air clutch. Regulator "B" supplies compressed air to the air counterbalances.
The 0200 series, 0300 series, and the 0400 series shears use coil spring counterbalances; therefore, they will not be
provided with regulator "B" (Figure 9). Pressure setting for the air clutch, Regulator "A", is 80 psi for all series of Lodge &
Shipley shears. The pressure setting on Regulator "B" varies according to the length of the shear and type of back gauge.
The pressure should be sufficient so that the air counterbalances hold the slide back against the slide guides, feeler tight
at top and bottom.
A good supply of clean dry compressed air is essential to satisfactory operation of your shear. The volume of air
required to operate the clutch efficiently varies with the size of the shear and the number of strokes per minute that the
shear is to operate. The following chart (Figure 10) lists the maximum-volume of air that would be required for operation of
the air clutch on various sizes of shears. We List the maximum volume of air required because this volume gradually
changes. as the clutch and 'brake friction material wears to the replacement point.