TM 9-4120-360-14
5.83. Description
The condenser coil assembly consists of two coils with a common set of fins: the condenser coil itself, and the subcooler
coil. (See Refrigeration Diagram. figure 2-2). The condenser coil assembly is located at the bottom rem section of the air
conditioner, and is covered by a grille and screen assembly to protect it from damage and dirt.
5.84. Removal
Before removing the condenser coil, the refrigerant system must be completely discharged in accordance with paragraph
5.22.a. (Refer to figure 5-8 for idenfication of service valves). After the refrigerant has been completely discharged
proceed with the removal of the condenser coil as directed in the following procedure:
a. Unscrew two panel fastener screws, and remove the lower panel.
b. Obtain access to the falter-drier, and remove it as instructed in paragraphs 5.53 and 5.54.
c. Remove the screw which secures the receiver band-clamp to the bracket.
d. Remove 18 screws and washers from the four sides of the fabric cover. and remove the fabric cover.
e. Remove four screws and washers from the upper edge o fthe condenser coil guard, and four screws, washers
and lock washers from the lower edge. Remove the condenser coil guard.
f. Remove four screws in a vertical line on each side of the casing.These screws secure the condenser coil to the
g. Provide a 1-2cfm(0.1 -0.2 M'/min) flow o fdry nitrogen through the system at the discharge service valve.
sight-glass liquid indicator. It is not necessary to debraze the receiver at this time. Withdraw the condenser coil from the
air conditioner.
5.85. Servicing
Service the condenser coil after removal from the air conditioner as directed below:
a. Cleaning. Caper plug all openings. and tape caps or plugs to prevent accidental removal. No water must be
permitted to enter the coil. When thoroughly sealed, immerse the coil in a warm detergent solution for five minutes to
soak loose caked-on dirt, then agitate the coil vigorously in the solution to remove dirt from between the fins. Rinse
thoroughly in clear water.
b. Fin Aligmnent. If fins are bent o rcrushed, straighten them with a wood or plastic blade so that they are straight
and parallel. Badly bent or crushed fins can cause serious distortion of airflow, resulting in inefficient operation of the air
5.86. Installation
Install the condenser coil in the air conditioner as directed in the following steps:
If the receiver was removed, or a new coil is being installed, install the receiver to the coil assembly and
braze joints before installing the coil in the air conditioner
a. Position the condenser coil in, the air conditioner
with all tubing joints meeting
properly. Secure the coil with
four screws through each side of the casing.
b. Start a
flow of
1-2 cfm (0.1 0.2 M
3/min) of dry nitrogen through the system at `the discharge service valve.
After three minutes of nitrogen purging, braze joints.