(h) lnspedstator (4) for any visible damge or shorted windings (paragraph 4-46). If stator is damaged,
replace motor.
(i) Inspect end plates (5) and (6) for cracks or any visible damage. If damaged, replace.
(j) Inspect rotor (13) and shafts for evidence of overheating. Replace rotor if overheating is evident.
(k) Inspect rotor (13) for nicks, gouges, and deformation,
Dress high metal defects in shaft with a fine
file or stone. If shaft is beyond repair, replace rotor.
(l) Coat bearing cavity of end plates (5) and (6), new spring washer (14), and spacer (15) with oil.
(m) Install spacer (15), spring washer (14), and bearing (3) into end plate (6).