TM 9-4910-387-14-1
Selection of the particular method of destruction requires imagination and resourcefulness in using
the facilities at hand under the existing conditions. Time is critical. The most applicable means of
destruction are as follows:
Remove all metal panels from the tester.
(3) Using an axe, pick mattock, sledge, or other heavy implement, destroy the tester by
Mechanical........................................................................................ Requires axe, pick mattock,
smashing the main drive and auxiliary motors; vacuum, fuel, and lube pumps; mounting rails; and
sledge, crowbar, or similar
the controls and indicators.
Destroy the electrical wiring by cutting into short lengths.
Elapsed time:
about 15
Burning ............................................................................................. Requires gasoline, oil,
......................................................................................................... incendiary grenades, or other
e. For destruction by burning:
......................................................................................................... flammables, or welding or
......................................................................................................... cutting torch.
Remove all metal panels from the tester.
Demolition......................................................................................... Requires suitable explosives or
(3) Using a welding or cutting torch, burn through the stator housing and into the armature of
the main drive and auxiliary motors. Burn through the vacuum, lube, and fuel pumps. Burn the
mounting rails and the controls and indicators.
c. If the tester is to be destroyed, the materiel must be so badly damaged that it cannot be
restored to a usable condition in the combat zone either by repair or cannibalization. Adequate
Destroy the electrical wiring by burning in places.
destruction requires that all parts essential to the operation of the materiel, including accessories, be
destroyed or damaged beyond repair. However, when lack of time and personnel prevents
destruction of all parts, priority is given to the destruction of those parts most difficult to replace.
Equally important, the same parts must be destroyed on all like materiel so that the enemy cannot
When igniting gasoline, due consideration should be given to the highly
construct one complete unit from several damaged ones.
flammable nature of gasoline and its vapor.
d. For destruction by me chanical means: