wire brush constructed of steel wire be-
Warning: Repeated contact of
tween 0.010 and 0.025 inch in diameter.
trichloroethane with the skin or
Crocus cloth may be used manually tore-
prolonged breathing of the times
move rust or corrosion from polished sur-
is dangerous. Make sure adequate
ventilation is provided.
(3) Rubber parts other than electrical.
Clean rubber parts with soap and
44. Preventive Maintenance by Operator
warm water and dry thoroughly.
a. Purpose. To assure maximum opera-
b. General Precautions in Cleaning.
tional readiness, it is necessary that the
(1) Provide adequate ventilation both
equipment be systematically inspected at
during and after use of trichloro-
i n t e r v a l s every day it is operated, so
ethane. Work rooms must not be
defects may be discovered and corrected
closed in. Avoid prolonged inhala-
before they result in serious damage or
tion of vapor; headache or nausea
failure. Certain scheduled maintenance
may result. In contact with skin,
services will be performed at these desig-
this cleaner may cause irritation.
n a t e d intervals. A n y deficiencies dis-
(2) Self-emulsifying decreasing sol-
covered that cannot be corrected by the
v e n t compound, mineral spirits
operator, or corrected by replacing parts
p a i n t thinner, a n d dry-cleaning
will be reported on DA Form 2404.
solvent are flammable and should
b. Daily Preventive-Maintenance Serv-
not be used near an open flame.
ice. Each equipment will be inspected each
Fire extinguishers should be pro-
day that it is operated. This service is
v i d e d when these materials are
divided into three parts, as indicated in (1)
used. Use only in well-ventilated
through (3) below.
places. These cleaners evaporate
(1) Before-operation service. This is
quickly and have a drying effect on
brief service to ascertain that the
the skin. If used without gloves,
equipment is ready for operation; it
they may cause cracks in the skin
is mainly a check to see if con-
and, in the case of some individ-
ditions affecting the equipment's
uals, a mild irritation of inflam-
readiness have changed since the
last after-operation service.
(3) Avoid getting petroleum products,
(2) During-operation
service. T h i s
such as mineral spirits paint thin-
service consists of detecting un-
ner, dry-cleaning solvent, engine
satisfactory performance.
(3) After-operation service. This is
parts, as they will deteriorate the
the basic daily service for the
equipment. It consists of Correct-
(4) The use of Diesel fuel oil, gaso-
ing, insofar as possible, any opera-
line, or benzene (benzol) for clean-
ting deficiencies. Thus, the
ing is prohibited.
equipment is prepared to operate
c. Rust Removal. Remove rust or cor-
upon a moments notice.
rosion from all parts of the materiel. To
remove rust or corrosion from unfinished
45. Specific Procedures for First Echelon
surfaces, use steel cleaning brushes or
Table I gives the specific procedures to
abrasive cloth. On finished surfaces, other
be performed on the equipment by the
than highly polished surfaces, remove rust
operator for each daily service.
or corrosion by buffing with a rotary wheel