1. Two (2) suitable work benches or tables - approximate size 3 ft. x 5 ft.
2. Filtered, compressed air supply - 120 to 150 psig.
3. Two (2) positively grounded (three wire) single phase 110-120 volt, 60 cycle, power supply double outlet receptacles.
Locate one double outlet at each bench.
4. Auxiliary Equipment:
a. About 8 to 10 metal or wood spark plug holding trays, 50 to 100 spark plug capacity per tray (depending on
quantity of plugs being processed.)
b. Degreasing Equipment, Solvent Washing or Vapor Degreasing. (See Section II)
c. One (1) 1/2 H.P., 1750 to 3400 RPM, electric motor-driven fine wire wheel brush (.005 Dia. wire bristles) 6" dia.
x 1/2" or 3/4" wide. Electrical features to match Para. No. 3 power supply.
d. One (1) 1/8 H.P., 1000 to 1750 RPM, electric motor-driven 3/8" Jacobs Chuck or adapter sleeve to drive AV17-1
Insulator Sleeve Cleaning Tool Assembly. Electrical features to match Para. No. 3 power supply.
Layout and position each piece of servicing equipment onto bench top so as to con form with recommended
reconditioning sequence outlined under "How to Service AC Spark Plugs."
1. Make 120-150 psig compressed air line connections to Model AV11-1 Cleaner and Indicator Unit.
2. Plug extension cord, from AV19-3 Vibrator Unit, 1/2 H.P. Wire Brush Motor and 1/8 H.P. Sleeve Cleaning Motor
into the 110-120 volt 60 cycle power supply outlet receptacles.
How To Service AC Aircraft Spark Plugs.
All AC type aircraft spark plugs are ruggedly constructed and engineered so as to withstand the severest types of engine
operations. However, careful handling is necessary at all times to minimize possible damage to the threads, electrodes
and ceramic insulator.