50. Battery Circuit Selector Instrument Panel
51. Rectifier
Input Binding Posts
(Designated as BATTERY CIRCUIT SE-
The rectifier input binding posts (42), located
inside the rectifier compartment on the center
part of the front panel, consists of five binding
p o s t s marked T1, T2, T3, D--, and C+. The
a. General. The battery circuit selector con-
binding posts are used to connect a rectifier to
sists of three units which are located on an in-
t h e test stand when testing an ac/dc system.
strument panel (41), near the lower center of
The binding post markings correspond with the
the main control panel. The units are used when
markings on the leads of the harness used to
a p p l y i n g battery voltage to units undergoing
connect the rectifier to the test stand to assure
t e s t s , either through the internal circuitry of
correct installation.
t h e test stand or externally by means of two
binding posts. The type of application desired
52. Battery Charge Circuit Breaker
can be selected by placing the dc voltmeter cir-
The battery charge circuit breaker (43), lo-
cuit selector switch (23) in the "RECT GEN"
cated near the lower left hand end of the f ront.
position for an internal application and in the
p a n e l next to the rectifier compartment, is a
"BAT VOLTS" position for an external applica-
7.5-ampere, ac, 120-volt, 60-cps (cycles per sec-
t i o n . The three units of the circuit and their
o n d ) , single-pole, circuit breaker which pro-
description and function are given in b through
vides an overload protection in the ac input cir-
d below.
c u i t leading to the battery charger. The reset
b. Voltage Selector Switch. The voltage se-
lector switch (41-A), is a 5-position (position
t h r o u g h the front panel will snap out when
between marked positions open circuit), 4-pole,
there is an overload in the circuit and discon-
n e c t s the ac current supply to the battery
2-deck, rotary type selector switch used to select
c h a r g e r . The circuit breaker can be reset by
the proper battery voltage for the system under-
pushing the button inward which will reconnect
g o i n g test. It has a battery voltage selection
the ac input circuit provided the overload con-
range of 6 volts, 12 volts, and 24 volts, which
dition is corrected.
are indicated by a green indicator lamp for each
voltage selected on the switch dial.
53. Battery Charge Fuse Holder (Designated
c. Battery On-Off Switch. The battery on-off
The battery charge fuse holder (44), located
s w i t c h (41-B) is a two-position, single-pole,
on the lower left hand end of the front panel
single-throw, 25-ampere, 30-volt dc, toggle
n e x t to the circuit breaker (43), contains a
switch used to control the battery voltage of the
20-ampere fuse which is held in the holder by
internal battery circuit of the test stand to the
a threaded cap. To remove the fuse for inspec-
circuitry of the battery circuit selector, a a b o v e .
tion or replacement turn the cap to the left until
When the switch is in the "ON" position it con-
free. The fuse is held in the cap by a friction
nects the selected battery voltage, b above, to
fit sleeve and can be removed by firmly gripping
t h e battery test circuit positive and negative
i t and pulling outward on the fuse. The fuse
b i n d i n g posts, d below, or to the internal cir-
provides an overload protection in the "0-32" dc
cuitry of the test stand, depending on the posi-
volt output of the battery charger.
tion of the selector switch (23), a a b o v e .
54. Battery Charge Indicator Lamp (Desig-
d . Battery Test Circuit Positive and Nega-
tive Binding Posts. The battery test circuit pos-
The battery charge indicator lamp (45), lo-
i t i v e and negative binding posts (41-C), are
cated near the lower left hand end of the front
a threaded two-piece post as described in para-
panel next to the fuse holder (44), is connected
in the circuit of the battery charge timer (46)
battery test circuit to the units undergoing test
and consists of a 125 volt dc lamp with a green
by means of two test leads, when applying an
lens. It provides a visual means to indicate that
t h e battery charger is operating. The lamp
external battery voltage to perform the test.