" O N " position. The generator should run as
"5," "6," "3," and "1" on the plate between the
a motor driving the test stand varidrive
a 150-ampere generator control box to the test
stand for testing its function. Each of the num-
80. Voltage Adjusting Rheostat (Designated
b e r e d receptacles correspond with the num-
b e r e d markings on the four cable assemblies,
The voltage adjusting rheostat (4), located
for an easy method to identify the cables when
o n the center upper section of the auxiliary
connecting the control box to the test stand.
panel (fig. 15) is a 100-ohm, 25 watt rheostat.
I t is used when testing 400-ampere generator
78. 400-Ampere Generator Control Box Re-
control boxes and 400-ampere generators to in-
ceptacles (Designated as 400-AMP GEN
crease or decrease the generator output voltage
The 400-ampere generator control box re-
carbon pile unit of the general control box or-
ceptacles (2), located in the center of the re-
dinarily has under normal operating conditions
ceptacle panel (fig. 15) are identified by mark-
( p a r . 82).
ings "GENERATOR" and "BATTERY" on the
Note. W h e n t e s t i n g 1 5 0 - a m p e r e g e n e r a t o r c o n t r o l
boxes the voltage adjusting device is contained within
tacles are used to connect a 300- or 400-ampere
t h e generator control box and the voltage adjusting
r h e o s t a t (4) is not required to test these items.
generator control box to the test stand for test-
ing its function. The identifying markings
81. Starter Carbon Rheostat (Designated as
" G E N E R A T O R " and "BATTERY" on the re-
ceptacles correspond with the markings on the
The starter carbon rheostat (5), located on
two cable assemblies number 38377 and 38378
t h e center of the auxiliary panel (fig. 15) is
used to adjust the voltage for the starter
cables when connecting the control box to the
(cranking motor) when performing free-run
test stand.
or stall torque tests on starters (cranking mo-
79. Auxiliary Start Momentary-On Switch
tors). The voltage will be indicated on the dc
(Designated as AUX START)
voltmeter (5, fig. 16). When the required volt-
a g e is reached the manufacturer's specified
The auxiliary start momentary-on switch
current draw, rpm, or foot-pounds torque will
(3), located on the upper left hand end of the
b e indicated, depending on the test (free-run
auxiliary panel (fig. 15) is a two position (off-
or stall torque) being performed. When the
momentarily-on), single-pole, single-throw, 20-
s t a r t e r carbon rheostat is turned clockwise it
ampere, 30-volts dc, toggle switch used to test
the auxiliary start characteristics of some 400-
W h e n turned counterclockwise the rheostat is
ampere control boxes having the facilities for
d e c o m p r e s s e d and offers maximum resistance
t h e s e auxiliary start procedures. To set the
( r e f e r to pars. 133 and 134 for details). To
test stand up for these tests after all other tests
o p e r a t e the rheostat, turn it counterclockwise
on the generator control box have been com-
first (see caution note below) and then clock-
p l e t e d , the load dc ammeter range selector
wise until a feel of a slight drag or pressure is
noticed. Keep turning in the clockwise rotation
" 5 0 0 A (X10)" position, the field dc ammeter
until the required voltage is obtained to give
range selector switch (17, fig. 16) in the
t h e current amperage (current draw) on the
"30A (X6)" position, the field current rheostat-
load dc ammeter (1, fig. 16) (the above voltage,
r e g u l a t o r switch (53, fig. 16) in the "REG"
ampere, and rpm readings are specified by man-
p o s i t i o n , the field shorting switch (6) in the
"ON" position, the battery-on-off switch (41-B,
which lists these specifications for several man-
fig. 16) in
the "ON"
position, the starter test
u f a c t u r e r ' s models).
load disconnect switch (61, fig. 16) in the "ON"
p o s i t i o n and then momentarily hold the aux-
Caution: Turning the starter carbon rheo-
i l i a r y start momentary-on switch (3) in the
stat counterclockwise first (do not turn in ex-