j a c k to TT-76/GGC TO No. 1
the signaling and ringing tests be-
j a c k at the patch panel; patch
tween the TA-312/PT's.
L I N E S SPARES NO. 21 jack to
(3) Connect t h e T A - 3 1 2 / P T ( b ( 2 )
TT-76/GGC REC No. 16 jack at
above) to binding posts pair No. 25
the patch panel.
a t the J-1077A/U and perform the
Use field wire and connect binding
signaling and ringing tests between
posts pair No. 20 to No. 21 at the
t h e TA-312/PT and the PHONE 4
TA-312/PT (mounted) (fig. 11).
Operate the TT-76(*)/GGC trans-
(4) D i s c o n n e c t and store the TA-312/
mitter distributor (TM 11-2225).
PT's used at the J-1077A/U and the
Clear copy should be received on
PHONE 3 jack.
t h e tape.
d. TT-4(*)/TG
j a c k to TT-76/GGC TR No. 15
(1) TT-4(*)/TG No. 1.
jack at the patch panel.
(a) P a t c h L I N E S S P A R E S N o . 1 6
Operate the TT-76(*)/GGC key-
j a c k to TT-4A/TG No. 1 SEND
board (TM 11-2225). Clear copy
N o . 10 jack at the patch panel;
should be received on the tape.
patch LINES SPARES No. 17
Remove the patch cords ((a) a n d
jack to TT-4A/TG No. 1 REC No.
( d ) above) and the strap ( ( b )
11 jack at the patch panel.
(b) Use field wire and connect, binding
e. TH-5/TG Circuits.
posts pair No. 16 to No. 17 at the
Patch the TT-4A/TG #1 SEND No.
(c) Operate TT-4(*)/TG No. 1 for
1 0 and REC No. 11 jacks at the
f u l l - d u p l e x operation (TM 11-
patch panel to TG-5/TG No.
5815-206-12). Clear copy should
SEND and REC jacks, respectively.
be received on the page printer.
Patch the TT-4A/TG #2 SEND No.
(d) Remove the patch cords ((a)
1 2 and REC No. 13 jacks at the
and t h e s t r a p
patch panel to TG-5/TG No. 2
SEND and REC jacks, respectively.
( 2 ) TT-4(*)/TG No. 2.
Use field wire and connect binding
posts pair No. 13 to No. 14 at the
jack to TT-4A/TG #2 SEND No.
12 jack at the patch panel; patch
Operate TH-5/TG No. 1 and No. 2
L I N E S SPARES No. 19 jack to
T T - 4 A / T G #2 REC No. 13 jack
Operate TT-4(*)/TG No. 1 and No.
a t the patch panel.
2 , in turn (TM 11-5815-206-12).
Use field wire and connect binding
Clear copy should be received on the
posts pair No. 18 to No. 19 at the
Insert one end of a patch cord, in
Operate TT-4(*)/TG NO. 2 for
turn, into LINES TH-5/TG No. 13
f u l l - d e p l e x operation (TM 11-
and No. 14 jacks and TH-5/TG No.
(Clear copy should
1 and No. 2 jacks at patch panel,
be received on the page printer.
while operating TT-4(*)/TG No. 1
Remove the patch cords ( ( a )
above). Clear copy should be
and the strap ((b)
received on TT-4(*)/TG No. 1 and
no copy should be received on TT-
(3) TT-76(*)GGC.
4(*)/TG No. 2. Remove the patch
(a) P a t c h L I N E S S P A R E S N o . 2 0