g. Saturate the ground around the rod with
left-front of the shelter, and place
the sling hook nearest the turnbuckle
under the side rail and behind the
h. Remove a
10-foot ground strap (fig. 2)
second cargo rack support from the
from storage cabinet No. 1.
rear of the truck.
i. Connect one end of the ground strap to
(3) Use the sling assembly cable that
the ground rod. Connect the other end of the
is attached to the tiedown eye at
ground s t r a p to the bottom GROUND
the left-rear of the shelter, and place
TERMINAL in the power and signal entrance
the sling hook nearest the turnbuckle
under the side rail and in front of
j. Replace the sledge hammer in its mount-
the second cargo rack support from
the front of the truck.
(4) Follow the procedures given in (2)
and (3) above to secure the right
Caution: Ground the shelter (para 20) be-
side of the shelter.
fore connecting power to the AN/MSC-32.
(5) After the sling assembly has been
Ac power for the AN/MSC-32 may be ob-
attached to the side rails of the truck,
tained from a nearby shelter, or from a cen-
tighten the turnbuckles.
tral or a commercial power source.
Caution: Do not overtighten the
a. Preliminary Procedure.
turnbuckles. To prevent the shelter
(1) Operate a l l circuit breaker and
from twisting in the truck body,
equipment switches to OFF.
equally tighten all the turnbuckles
(2) Remove and store the tiedown bar
at the same time.
(fig. 3). Remove the power cable as-
(6) Raise and secure the truck tailgate.
sembly and reel from the shelter.
c. Unloading AN/MSC-32. To unload the
(3) Unwind the power cable assembly
AN/MSC-32 from a truck, reverse the pro-
from its reel and remove the connec-
cedures described in a and b above.
tor covers. Store the cable reel.
b. Obtaining Power from Adjacent Shelter.
The total power consumption of the AN/
The AN/MSC-32 must be properly ground-
MSC-32 is 4,292 watts. Be sure that the
ed before input power is connected. Select a
power source output rating for the adjacent
grounding site that will not interfere with
shelter is not exceeded when the AN/MSC-32
the entrance door, the field wires, or the
is connected.
power cable. Ground the AN/MSC-32 as
(1) Operate the MAIN circuit breaker
switch on the power distribution
a. Loosen the captive screws and lift the
cover of the power and signal entrance box
(2) Remove the cover from the IN POW-
ER 115V AC receptacle in the power
b. Use the cover support to secure the cover
in the open position.
connect one end of the power cable.
c. Remove a ground rod and the sledge
(3) Remove the cover of the OUT POW-
ER 115V AC receptacle in the power
d. Select a grounding site within 10 feet
and signal entrance box of the adja-
of the power and signal entrance box and dig
cent shelter and connect the other
a small hole, about 6 inches deep, at the site.
end of the power cable.
e. Remove any paint or grease from the
c. Using Commercial Power.
ground rod.
(1) Turn off or disconnect the commer-
cial power before making any con-
f. Drive the ground rod into the hole until
the tip of the ground rod is approximately 3
(2) Remove the power cable stub (fig. 2)
inches from the bottom of the hole.