TM 9-1345-203-12
current through the electrically-initiated squib in the
1-14. Mine, Antitank: HE, M24, with Fuze M404
rocket motor igniter, functioning the igniter. The igniter
a. Description.
initiates the propellant in the motor, and the rocket is
launched from the rocket launcher. The fuze is initiated
mine, consisting of a 3.5-inch rocket (modified by
upon impact and penetration is accomplished by the
adding folding fins), launcher,
discriminator firing
shaped charge warhead.
device, and associated wiring and equipment. Rocket
b. Use.
Mine is manually positioned beside
enclosed in a launcher is triggered by the M2
wadies, trails, and defiles. It is designed to destroy
wheeled and tracked vehicles from remote positions at
(2) A vehicle crossing the discriminator at two
ranges up to approximately 30 meters.
segments completes circuitry to the firing device. The
firing device, a transistor-controlled firing unit,. sends