TM 9-1345-203-12
1-18. Canister, Mine: M87 and
(2) When an electrical pulse is received, the electric
primer initiates the pressure cartridge expelling a mine stack
a. Description.
from the canister. The mine stack consists of five antitank
mines and one antipersonnel mine for the M87 canister, and
six antitank mines for the M87A1 canister. An interfaced
item consisting of an aluminum tube and breech assembly
web provides dispersion, self-destruct, and arm signals, set
containing five antitank mines and one antipersonnel mine
from the dispenser control unit to the mines.
for the M87 canister, and six antitank mines for the M87A1
canister. Also housed in the canister are six transmitter coils
b. Use. Canister mine is used with the M139 Mine Dis-
attached to a dispersion strap and a propulsion system. The
penser (VOLCANO) (TM 9-1095-208-10-1) to lay a mine
propulsion system consists of a self-contained electrically-
initiated primer, and a pressure cartridge assembly contain-
ing propellant. The canister is painted in green and has one
colored band of yellow triangles near the breech.
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