TM 9-1345-203-12
1-15. Mine, Antitank, Practice: Heavy,
a. Description.
(1) Mine (fig. 1-16) is a flat, cylindrical, steel casing,
approximately 3-1/2 inches high and 13-1/4 inches in diame-
ter, similar externally to service mine M15 (except for
height). It differs chiefly in having one filler hole in the side
and perforations in top and around side secondary fuze well.
Mine may be boobytrapped by installation of one or two sec-
ondary fuzes, each consisting of practice antitank mine acti-
vator M1 and any regular-type firing device having 9/16-
inch threads. Although inert, mine has a smoke charge and
primer M45 in main fuze M604. Mine is issued empty with
arming plug M4 assembled, but without primary or second-
ary fuze. It may be loaded with sand or inert filler in the
(2) A minimum force of 565 174 pounds depresses
the pressure plate and the belleville spring of the fuze, which
b. Use. Mine is used for training personnel in precau-
causes depression of the arming plate shutter (Armed posi-
tions and methods to be observed in care, handling, laying
tion). Depression of the shutter, in turn, depresses the pres-
and arming, boobytrapping, disarming, and removal of ser-
sure plate and belleville spring of the fuze. Belleville spring
vice mine M15. Weight of an intermediate or heavy tank
of the fuze snaps into reverse, driving the firing pin into the
passing over it will cause main fuze of mine to function.
igniter charge of the fuze. The igniter charge of the fuze
Depending upon type of firing device used for boobytrap-
ping, this mine can be functioned by pull or release of either
explodes, emitting a cloud of smoke and creating a noise.
of two tripwires attached to firing device.
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