TM 9-1345-203-12
(3) Mark off 1.5 meters (5 feet) in one
(4) Adjust discriminator to lie flat with brown
painted center markings straddling road
direction along road center from
previously marked target impact area.
center (target impact point).
(5) Starting at far side of road, lay
discriminator across road through mark
If discriminator is laid over blacktop
produced in step (3) and mark produced
or cement, advantage may be taken
in step (2) (approximately at 15 angle)
of cracks, crevices, and road joints.
Surface dust on dirt roads must be
(6) Adjust discriminator to lie flat with brown
lightly brushed over discriminator.
painted center marking straddling mark
On gravel whatever material is
produced at step 3) (new target impact
applied to simulate natural terrain
(7) Camouflage.
d. Laying and Arming: Tracked Vehicles Only
If discriminator is laid over blacktop
(1) Follow steps b(1) 6, above.
or cement, advantage may be taken
(2) Return to road edge and place marked
of cracks, crevices, and road joints.
(stone, twig, etc.) at side of road,
approximating path discriminator would
Surface dust, on dirt roads, must be lightly brushed over
take to form 900 angle to road edge (fig.
discriminator. On gravel roads, whatever material is
applied to simulate natural terrain must be lightly placed
over discriminator.