TM 9-1345-203-12
(2) From road at spot, determined as target
2-10. Mine, Antitank: HE, M24, with Fuze M404
impact point, survey terrain with object of
a. Casualty Effect and Danger Area.
positioning launcher at least 10 feet from
edge of, and at about 90angle to, enemy
actuated, horizontal effects system which
is designed to defend against tracked and
(3) Place marker (stick, twig, rock, etc.) at
wheeled vehicles. It is only limited in
estimated target impact point and proceed
effectiveness based on line of sight
to position determined best for placement
and camouflaging of launcher.
(2) The mine uses a 3.5-inch rocket to defeat
armor by its shape charge warhead.
(3) Mine M24 supplements standard vertical
Launcher will be positioned with
effects mines in that off route
emplacement of rocket permits mining of
clear view of target point.
locations that previously could not
effectively be mined.
(4) Unfasten
b. Laying and Arming: General.
(1) Choose location that will command clear
dispenser pouch on ground at proposed
line of fire.
site of launcher.
Figure 2-58. Accessories pouch fastened to dispenser
pouch (mine M24).