TM 9-1375-213-12
(3) Advantages. Because of its packaging
in haversacks, block demolition charge M2 is
well suited for assault demolitions. Tetrytol is
only slightly soluble in water and block demoli-
tion charge M2 may be used as an underwater
demolition charge.
(4) Limitations.
Tetrytol block charges
must have the pure tetryl booster to insure deto-
nation and can therefore be broken into only
two pieces. The tetryl booster is more sensitive
to impact than tetrytol or TNT and maybe deto-
nated by small arms fire. Block demolition
charge M2 of tetrytol is brittle and shatters eas-
ily if dropped or struck.
b. Charge, Demolition: Block, M3 (2-
(1) Description. Block demolition charge
It is enclosed in glazed paper which is per-
forated around the middle for ease in breaking
open. The charge does not have a cap well.
Composition C2 or C3 is pliable and may be
molded at temperatures between -20F and
(2) Uses. Composition C2 or C3 is more
powerful than TNT and of about the same sensi-
tivity. Because of their plastic nature and high
steel or irregular shaped targets, since they
may be molded to fit the shape of the target
and thus can achieve better contact with result-
ing high demolition efficiency. Being insoluble
in water, block demolition charges of composi-
tion C2 or C3 are suitable for underwater demo-
lition, if enclosed in a container or wrapping to
prevent erosion by running water.
(2) Uses. Block demolition charge M5A1 is
used in almost all types of demolition work, and
(3) Advantages.
primarily for cutting and breaching. Because of
moldable and may be cut and molded to proper
size and shape to fit all targets.
C4 is ideally suited for steel cutting charges and
(4) Limitations.
Below -20F, composi-
Composition C4 is insoluble in water and may
tion C2 or C3 becomes brittle and above
be used for underwater demolitions.
+ 125F exudes some oils and becomes buttery.
They emit gases which will cause sickening head-
(3) Advantages. Composition C4 is more
powerful than composition C3. It is moldable
from -20 to + 170F, is more stable, is less
c. Charge, Demolition, Block, M5A1 (2 -
sticky, and is less subject to water erosion under-
and molded to conform to the shape of the tar-
(1) Description. Block demolition charge
M5A1 contains composition C4. The charge is
encased in a clear plastic container with a
(4) Limitations. The white color of composi-
threaded cap well in each end. Bulk explosive
tion C4 in block demolition charge M5A1 is diffi-
is obtained by cutting open the plastic container.