TM 9-1375-213-12
1/4-pound charge is used primarily for training
f. Charge, Demolition: Block (1/4-, 1/2-, and
(3) Advantages. TNT demolition charges
(1) Description..
TNT block demolition
have a high detonating velocity are stable, are
charges are issued in three sizes, The 1/4-
relatively insensitive to shock or friction, and
pound block demolition charge is in a cylindri-
cal waterproof cardboard container, and the 1/2-
a convenient size, shape, and packaging.
pound and 1-pound block demolition charges
are in rectangular waterproof cardboard contain-
(4) Limitations.
TNT block demolition
ers. All three have metal ends with a threaded
charges cannot be molded and are difficult to
cap well in one end. TNT (trinitrotoluene)
use on an irregular shaped target. TNT is not
charges have a high detonating velocity.
recommended for use in closed spaces because
its explosion produces poisonous gases.
(2) Uses. TNT block demolition charges
are standard demolition charges and are used
for all types of demolition work. However, the