TM 9-1375-213-12
cult to camouflage. Running water will erode
used in the same manner as block demolition
charge M5A1. This charge is ideally suited for
composition C4 if not protected.
cutting charges as the adhesive backing allows
the charge to be attached to any relatively flat,
d. Charge, Demolition: Block, M112 (1-1/4
dry surface above freezing (32F., 0C.).
(1) Description. Charge M112 consists of 1-
(3) Advantages. Block demolition charge
M112 is of a more efficient shape, and handier
film bag with pressure-sensitive adhesive tape
size. It is easily attached to the target. It may
on one surface for quick emplacement. The
be cut and molded to fit irregular shaped tar-
tape is protected by a peelable paper cover.
gets. The color of the wrapper aids in camou-
charges is colored dull-gray in a clear mylar-
(4) Limitations.
Odd weight makes
film bag. In charges of recent manufacture, com-
position C4 is white and packed in an olive-drab
c a l c u l a t i o n of charge
mylar-film bag.
Adhesive tape will not adhere to wet surfaces or
frozen surfaces.
(2) Uses. Block demolition charge M112 is