SERIES) (FIG. 4-74)
a. General. Organizational maintenance consists of replacement of handles, holdback door bracket, seals,
hinges, hinge pins and hinge butt. Remove and replace only defective parts.
b. Removal.
(1) Support door and remove three cotter pins (30) and hinge pins (29).
(2) Remove door.
(3) Remove three hinges (32) by removing twelve screws (33) and twelve nuts (6).
(4) Remove three hinge butts (31) by removing six screws (40) and six nuts (41).
(5) Remove door handle (18) by loosening its setscrew and sliding handle off shaft.
(6) Remove two screws (34), nuts (26) and washers (27) to remove door holdback bracket (35).
(7) Check condition of door seal (5). Remove only if defective.
c. Installation.
(1) Install three hinges (32) to door with twelve screws (33) and nuts (6).
(2) Install three hinge butts (31) to van body with six screws (40) and nuts (41).
(3) Install door assembly on van body with three hinge pins (29) and three cotter pins (30).
(4) Install door holdback bracket (35) with two screws (34), nuts (26) and washers (27).
(5) Position door handle on door handle shaft and fasten with door handle setscrew.
(6) Install door seal (5) with adhesive (MIL-A-5092B, type I) (item 21, Appendix C).