TM 9-2330-271-14&P
(4) To stop air conditioner, place selector
switch to OFF. Close damper control.
(1) Two model CE60VAL6, 208-volt, three
phase, 60 Hz, 60,00 BTU air conditioners are mounted
Wait 5 minutes after stopping air
on the front platform of the XM654 semitrailer.
conditioner before restarting unit.
(2) The remote control units are located on
the right side wall near the partition.
Operating Air Conditioner for Heating.
(3) A blower is incorporated in the system and
(1) Place damper control in desired position.
operates automatically when the units are activated.
(2) Set thermostat on remote control unit to
(4) Refer to TM 5-4120-235-15 for operation
the desired temperature.
and service instructions.
(3) Place selector switch to the desired
b. Operating Air Conditioner for Cooling
position (LO HEAT or HI HEAT)
(1) Set the thermostat on the remote control
(4) To stop air conditioner, set selector switch
unit to the desired temperature.
to OFF.
(2) Place selector switch to COOL.
(3) To stop air conditioner, place selector
Air Conditioner, XM822
switch to OFF.
c. Operating Air Conditioner for Heating.
(1) A model 76E34-104, 208-volt, three
phase, 60 Hz, 60,000 Btu air conditioner is mounted
inside the front door of the XM822 semitrailer.
Wait 5 minutes after stopping air
(2) The remote control unit is located in the
conditioner before restarting unit.
main control panel in the laboratory compartment.
(3) Ducts are installed the length of the ceiling
(1) Set thermostat on remote control unit to
on each side of the semitrailer from the air conditioner to
the desired temperature.
(2) Place selector switch to the desired
(4) Refer to TM .5-4120-295-15 for operation
position (LO HEAT or HI HEAT).
and service instructions.
(3) To stop air conditioner, set selector switch
b. Operating Air Conditioner for Ventilation.
to OFF.
(1) Open the three vent panels in van front
(2) Turn rotary control switch on remote
control unit to VENT.
(3) Adjust damper control knobs on air
conditioner to admit fresh air as desired.
(1) Four model CE20VAL6, 208-volt, three
(4) To stop the air conditioner, turn rotary
phase, 60 Hz, 18,000 Btu air conditioners are mounted in
control switch to OFF. Close dampers. Close vent
front of the XM680 and XM680E1 semitrailers, directly to
panels on front door.
the rear of the front doors.
c. Operating Air Conditioner for Cooling.
(2) The remote control units are located on
(1) Open the three vent panels in van front
(3) The damper control consists of a chain
(2) Connect a hose to the drain and allow
and linkage which opens and closes the air intake
louvers to regulate the proportion of inside and outside
(3) Set thermostat on remote control unit to
air drawn into the air conditioner.
be desired temperature.
(4) Refer to TM 5-4120-222-15 for operation
(4) Position rotary control switch on remote
and service instructions.
control panel to COOL.
b. Operating Air Conditioner for Cooling.
(5) Turn damper control knobs to desired
(1) Place damper control in desired position
position from MIN (100% return air) to MAX (100% fresh
for the proportion of inside and outside air required.
(2) Set thermostat on the remote control unit
(6) To stop the air conditioner, turn rotary
to the desired temperature.
control switch to OFF. Close dampers. Remove drain
(3) Place selector switch to COOL.
hose. Close vent panels on front door.