TM9-2330-368-14 & P
Loading HEMAT.
(1) Load cargo into HEMAT to distribute
load weight as evenly as possible length-
wise and sidewise.
(2) Secure load using tie down rings (1)
which are located along edge of frame.
Twenty-six tie down rings are provided.
(3) If MLRS pods will be loaded on HE-
MAT, attach pod stops (2) to anchor
brakes. This will reduce the possibility
plates in each corner of floor.
of jackknifing.
4. Parking. When the towing vehicle and
Tie down ring (3) next to pod stop
HEMAT are to be parked and left un-
must be above edge of pod stop.
attended, set the parking brake on the
vehicle and apply the brakes on the
Towing HEMAT.
(1) Driving. When driving the towing vehi-
Do not stand between towing vehicle
cle with HEMAT, the overall length of
and HEMAT when backing towing
the unit must be kept in mind when
vehicle. Serious injury can result if
passing other vehicles and when turn-
personnel are caught between the
ing. Because the unit is hinged in the
middle, turning and backing are also
affected. The HEMAT payload will af-
(5) Jackknife Warning System. To prevent
fect stopping and off road maneuvera-
jackknifing when backing the HEMAT
is equipped with the following visible
(2) Turning. When turning corners, allow
for the fact that the HEMAT wheels
(a) A 2-inch vertical, black plate(1)
turn inside the turning radius of the
mounted to the front gate 34
towing vehicle. To make a right turn
inches from each corner of the
at a road intersection, drive the towing
front gate.
vehicle about halfway into the inter-
section and then cut sharply to the
right. This will allow for the shorter
turning radius of the HEMAT and will
keep it off the curb.
(3) Stopping. In normal operation, the
brakes of the towing vehicle and the
HEMAT are applied at the same time
when the driver steps on the brake
pedal. Brake pressure must be applied
gradually and smoothly. The HEMAT
brakes may be applied separately by
using the brake control lever on the
towing vehicle. On steep down grades
or slippery surfaces, the HEMAT brakes
must be applied before the vehicle