TM9-2330-368-14 & P
m. Hold tire iron (11) down and remove tire
iron (12). Insert tire iron (12) between
bead and rim at another position on rim
to take another small bite of bead. Con-
tinue to hold tire iron (11) down and lever
tire iron (12) down across wheel (1) and
tire (2) to raise more of bead over rim.
n. Remove either tire iron (11 or 12) and re-
peat step m until bead is completely free
of rim. Remove both tire irons.
Apply tire and rim lubricant to lower tire
p. Insert straight end of long tire irons (11
and 12) between lower bead and rim ap-
proximately 1 inch on each side of stem (6).
Scissors cross tire iron (11 and 12) and
lever down across tire (2).