P r e p a r a t i o n for Shipment. P r e s e r v a t i o n and other protective measures taken
in the preparation of materiel and accompanying tools and equipment for shipment
must be sufficient to protect the materiel against deterioration and physical damage
during shipment.
Cleaning solvent (PD-680) is both toxic and flammable,
Avoid prolonged breathing of vapors. Avoid skin
contact. Use only in a well ventilated area. Keep
a w a y from open flame. Flashpoint of solvent is 138F
(1) Cleaning. Use
dry cleaning solvent (PD-680) to clean or wash grease or oil
from all metal
parts. All exposed machined surfaces must be cleaned to
insure removal
of corrosion, soil, grease, residues, perspiration or other
acid or alkali
(2) Drying. A f t e r c l e a n i n g , u s e c o l d w a t e r t o r i n s e a l l p a r t s .
U s e a clean
cloth to dry all parts thoroughly.
(a) All critical unpainted metal surfaces must be protected during shipment.
Oil or grease covered in the lubrication section (para. 3-1) may be used
f o r t h i s p u r p o s e b u t i t i s e f f e c t i v e f o r o n l y a f e w d a y s . Equipment
protected in this manner must be watched for signs of corrosion.
Preservatives selection will be such that their application, use or
removal will not damage the surface to which they are applied.
(b) Coat lower landing leg assembly, chassis, frame, exterior hardware and
suspension system with corrosion preventive compound.
(c) Spray data plates with a thin coating of ignition insulation compound.
Control overspray to avoid coating adjacent surfaces.
(d) Cover all exterior reflectors and lights with tape.
(e) Coat rubber door seals with powdered talc. Coat doors operating
m e c h a n i s m and hinges with automotive and artillery grease (GAA). Apply
R e f e r to AR 746-80 for Marking of Supplies for Shipment.
(6) Marking.
b . Army Shipping Documents. Prepare all Army shipping documents accompanying
freight in accordance with AR 725-5.