TM 9-2590-209-14&P
i. Install outer tilt arm to blade assembly, and
secure with pin, lock, screw, and lockwasher (view C).
Cable should be adjusted into detent
10-44. Installation
Hooks Assembly
positions prior to attaching yoke
a. Install arm on shaft (view A).
c. Secure cable to bracket, and install housing
(view C).
b. Install carrying hooks in left mounting bracket
(view B).
d. Install intermediate cable clamp (view D).
c. Install carrying hook in right mounting bracket
e. Install cable to clutch control yoke (view E).
(view C).
f. Test action of cable prior to assembling yoke to
d. Install center shaft and couplings (view D).
clevis. Adjust plunger for desired tension on rod. Refer
to view B.
e. Engage moldboard with hooks (view E).
10-43. Installation of Blade Assembly (Fig 10-
30).This section provides instructions for the installation
Prior to welding support 10883667,
of blade assembly.
manipulate the handle assembly to
insure freedom of movement of the
a. Place blade assembly face down. Install
travel lock hooks relative to the
pushbeams to blade assembly and position pushbeams
moldboard engagement.
toward tank (view A).
f. Install handle assembly, and support.
b. Use hydraulic system to position ram (view B).
and weld support (view F).
c. Install pushbeam assembly to mounting bracket,
10-45. Installation of Headlamps and Guards (Fig
and secure with pin, lock, screw, and lockwasher (view
a. Install two supports and secure with four screws
d. Align cylinder ram with pushbeam, and secure
and washers.
with pin, lock, screw and lockwasher (view C).
b. Install headlamp guard on supports and secure
e. Install inner tilt arm to blade assembly, and
secure with pin, lock, screw, and lockwasher.
c. Install adapter and existing headlamp assembly.
f. Raise blade assembly to vertical position (view
g. Install outer tilt arm to mounting bracket and
a. Install reservoir on left rear fender plate and hold
front end of reservoir in place with two bolts,
lockwashers, washers, and nuts.
h. Install inner tilt arm to mounting bracket, and
secure with pin, lock, screw, and lockwasher (view F).
b. Install two bolts in fender plate and hold rear end
of reservoir in place.