TM 9-3445-465-14&P
Before starting the She art any time:
Check to be sure there is no material, tools or other objects in the point of operation area.
Check behind the Shear to be sure there is no-one or any obstructions near the moving parts, such as back
gauge, back brace, etc.
(3) Make sure all guards are in place.
(4) The Mode Selector Switch should be turned to "Off."
(5) The air supply to the machine should be an and the gauge for the clutch set at 80 psi.
(6) Foot Switch should be on the floor at the operator position and clear of any interference.
(7) Turn on the main electrical disconnect switch.
(8) Depress "Start' Butt for the main drive motor.
(9) Turn the Mode Selector Switch to "Continuous" and cycle the machine to determine if all systems are functioning
(10) Any time the operator leaves his position, the Mode Selector Switch should be turned to "Off".
(11) lever shear material with the Mode Selector Switch in the '"inch" position.
Before starting shear for the first time, go over all the nuts and bolts to correct for looseness that might have occurred
during shipment. Check these on a regular basis.
Before starting the shear, make certain that all items have been lubricated in accordance with the instructions on page.
The Instant Feed Button located on the Bijur lubricator should be operated once or twice before each workday since the
automatic feature of the lubricator operates only after approximately twenty strokes of the machine.
The capacity of al shears is based on mild steel having a shear strength of approximately 50,000 psi. As the shear
strength of the material increases, the capacity of the shear decreases and this is just as true of material 1" or 2" wide as it
is of the length of the shear, therefore, do not shear material thicker than the capacity of your machine, even for the short
The chart shown Figure 13 shows the shearing capacity of shears for various of the more commonly used materials.
Actually, the capacities are approximate because of variations in shear strength and penetration. Shearing capacity for
materials other than those given Figure 13 can be obtained by contacting the Lodge & Shipley Company.
When our shear is delivered, you will find that it has unusually wide blade clearance. This exaggerated clearance is
provided to prevent damage to the blades during shipment and the must be properly adjusted before a shearing can be
Before sure to make the blade clearance adjustment, remove the two bolts that secure the finger guard and raise it on
its hinges. An "L" head bolt will hold it out of the way. Reduce the air clutch pressure (Regulator "A", Figure 9) to about 30
psi and start the main drive motor. When the main drive motor ad flywheel has attained full speed, slowly jog the ram
through a complete cycle. Each time the clutch is jogged, make certain there is no interference to the movement of the
ram and upper blade.