TM 9-4110-255-14
leads. Continuity should be indicated. If continuity was not indicated, replace fuel solenoid.
solenoid case. Continuity should not be indicated. If continuity was indicated, replace fuel solenoid.
(7) If no failure was indicated, connect wire lead connectors (1) using tags and wiring diagram (fig. 1-4).
Remove tags.
(8) Install lever (3), and new self locking nut (2).
b. Removal.
(1) Tag and disconnect wire lead connectors (1).
(2) Remove self locking nut (2), and lever (3). Discard self locking nut.
(3) Remove two self locking nuts (6), flat washers (7), bolts (8), flat washers (9), and fuel solenoid (5). Discard
self locking nuts.
(4) If linkage assembly is damaged, loosen screw (10) and remove wire stop tube (11). Loosen screw (12)
then remove cable (13) and lever (3).
c. Installation.
(1) If linkage assembly was removed, install cable (13) through lever (14) and into lever (3). Tighten screw
(12). Install wire stop tube (11) and tighten screw (10).
(2) Install fuel solenoid (5), two flat washers (9), bolts (8), flat washers (7), and new self locking nuts (6).
(3) Install lever (3) and new self locking nut (2).
Shut down lever must be in the fully counterclockwise position when the fuel solenoid is relaxed
to properly shut down the engine.
(4) Shut down lever (14) should be fully counterclockwise, cable (13) should not have any slack in it, and fuel
solenoid (5) plunger should not be pulled out. If the cable needs to be adjusted, loosen screw(s) (10) or
(12) as necessary and adjust cable. Tighten screw(s) when adjustment is complete.
(5) Using tags and wiring diagram (fig. 1-4), connect wire lead connectors (1). Remove tags.
Close left side door.
Connect battery (para 4-35) and put unit back into service.