22. Cam Angle Selector
to the extreme left and is used to set the
dwell meter (2) on its "set line" when the
The cam angle selector (19) is located
dam angle selector (par. 26 above) is in
near the bottom of the control panel to the
"CAL" position.
left of the speed range selector (par. 21
above). This control is used to select the
24. Vacuum Hose
cam angle required for testing 4, 6, or 8
lobe position (identified as "CAL") and
The vacuum hose (14) is located on the
the selector is set to this position when
right side and near the bottom of the con-
adjusting the dwell meter (2) to the "set
trol panel near the vacuum control (13)
and is applied to an adapter on the vacuum
control of the distributors being tested.
23. Cam Angle Adjustment
The hose is equipped with a vacuum hose
clip (26) to close the hose for adjustment
The cam angle adjustment (20) (identi-
of the vacuum gage prior to application
fied as "DWELL CALIBRATOR") is lo-
cated near the bottom of the control panel
Section Ill. OPERATION
25. General
furnished for testing the tension of the
Note. The key numbers shown below in parenthe-
breaker arm springs.
This section contains instructions for
b. General Mounting Instructions. F o r
t h e operation of the distributor testor
the majority of gear driven distributors,
under all conditions of temperature and
it is quicker and easier to mount the dis-
h u m i d i t y . Every organization equipped
tributor by direct use of the chuck, as
with this item must thoroughly train its
shown in figure 4. However, for distrib-
personnel in the procedures for operating
utors not adaptable to the chuck, since
this item.
they have a spade type drive, a chuck
adapter (4, fig. 12) is provided. On those
26. Preparation for Operation
distributors requiring movement of the
entire distributor for spark advance, spe-
Snap the motor switch (17) to its off
cial adapters and sleeves are furnished
position. Turn the vacuum control (13)
to allow the distributor to rotate while in
counterclockwise to its fartherest posi-
the distributor clamp. Insert the machined
tion. If the power source does not have a
portion of the shaft of the distributor to be
three pronged receptacle, insert the
tested in the distributor clamp and tighten
prongs of the cable connector into the
the distributor clamp knob. Lower the shaft
adapter (27) and connect the adapter to a
of the distributor into the jaws of the chuck
1 1 5 - v o l t , single-phase, 60-cycle power
and secure with the chuck wrench (5, fig.
12). The chuck jaws should not be
Note. Make sure the pigtail on the adapter is
g r o u n d e d to the outlet box, waterpipe, or other good
until after the distributor is clamped se-
curely in the distributor clamp (26) and the
distributor has been lowered into position.
27. Operation
For mounting those distributors requiring
a. General. The seals on the water-
the spade drive adapter, mount the adapter
proofed or sealed distributors are not to
in the chuck and, as the distributor is
be broken prior to testing. A lead adapter
lowered, turn the distributor shaft until
(1, fig. 12) is furnished to allow the tests
the spade of the distributor drive engages
without removal of the distributor cap. A
the slot in the adapter. For those distrib-
spring resiliency tester (11, fig. 12) is
utors requiring the use of shaft adapters,