m e d i a t e l y reported in accordance with the
of all forms, refer to DA Pam 310-2. For in-
applicable instructions in cited regulation.
structions on use of these forms, refer to TM
d. Field Reports of Accidents. T h e r e p o r t s
necessary to comply with the requirements of
c. Equipment Improvement Recommendation.
A r m y safety program are prescribed in detail
Any deficiencies detected in the equipment cov-
i n AR 385-40. These reports are references
e r e d herein which occur under the circum-
whenever accidents involving injury to person-
stances indicated in AR 750-5, should be im-
nel or damage to materiel occur.
Section II.
plied with the test stand to provide a means to
keep the storage batteries of the internal bat-
The test stand (figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4) is an elec-
tery circuit in a fully charged condition (this
t r i c a l l y operated device having a 10 to 50 volt,
battery charging unit is not supplied with the
50 to 500 ampere, dc testing range and a 25 to
type II, part number 7336 (4910-316-5252) test
50 volt, 100 to 400 ampere, ac testing range.
stand). Basically its physical construction con-
Its electrical construction consists of a multiple
s i s t s of a steel cabinet containing a control
of circuits which are utilized to test direct-drive
o r pulley-driven generators, generator regu-
c y c l e , 3-phase varidrive motor with a 800 to
l a t o r s , generator control boxes, ac/dc systems
1 1 , 0 0 0 - r e v o l u t i o n per minute dual-head take-
off assembly; load bank with a blower both of
and starters (cranking motors). A built-in
manually operated battery charging unit is sup-
which are enclosed within a sheet metal hous-
Figure 1.
Test stand (model AGARTS, type II, part number 7336-1) (4910-767-0218) - right front view.