drop-off voltage and release to "OFF" position
treme counterclockwise direction) and then in
to disconnect the switch.
the clockwise rotation until a slight drag or
pressure is felt will help prevent damage to
85. Ac/Dc System Binding Posts (Designated
starters in the event that incorrect voltage is
applied to the input terminal (11-A) and will
The ac/dc system binding posts (9), located
also minimize the possibility of an open circuit.
near the lower left hand end of the binding post
Never turn the starter carbon rheostat in the
panel (fig. 15) consists of three binding posts
extreme counterclockwise position as an open
marked "D," " E," and "IGN SW." The binding
circuit condition will exist.
posts are a threaded two-piece post which can
82. Field Shorting Switch (Designated as
be threaded apart to receive a test lead terminal
and tightened to hold the terminal secure or, a
plug-in type terminal can be inserted in the top
The field shorting switch (6), located on the
o f the post. The markings on the posts cor-
u p p e r right hand end of the auxiliary panel
respond with the markings on the leads of the
(fig. 15) is a
two-position, single-pole, single-
t h r o w , 20-ampere, 30-volt dc, toggle switch.
e a s y method to identify the leads when con-
It is used to short-out the carbon pile unit in
n e c t i n g the generator (alternator) regulator
the generator control box when performing gen-
to the test stand.
erator output voltage test on 400-ampere gen-
erators and generator control boxes (par. 80).
86. Regulator Binding Posts (Designated as
83. Ignition Switch (Designated IGN SW ON
The regulator binding posts (10), located, on
the center top of the left hand end of the bind-
T h e ignition switch (7), located near the
ing post panel (fig. 15) consists of seven bind-
lower left hand end of the binding post panel
i n g posts marked "B+," "B-," "G+," "G-,"
(fig. 15) is a
two position (on-off), single-pole,
"GND," "D," and "F-B." The four upper bind-
single-throw, 25-ampere, 30-volt dc, toggle
ing posts are threaded and contain a nut,
switch. It is used in conjunction with the volt-
tapered wedge, and a flat washer. To connect
a g e selector switch (41-A, fig. 16), battery
a test lead to the post the nut is loosened to
on-off switch (41-B, fig. 16) and the starter test
receive the test lead terminal which is inserted
l o a d disconnect switch (61, fig. 16) for set-
between the tapered wedge and flat washer on
ting-up the battery circuit of the test stand for
the post. The nut can then be tightened down
indicating the ac and dc output voltage when
to hold the test lead and terminal secure. The
testing 28-volt (100- or 400-ampere) ac/dc
l o w e r three binding posts are constructed as
s y s t e m s . Place the lever of the switch to the
" O N " position to set the circuit in operation
the posts correspond with the markings on the
a n d to the "OFF" position to disconnect the
l e a d s of the cable assemblies numbers 38384
and 38385 (fig. 73) for an easy method to iden-
t i f y the leads when connecting the generator
84. Equalizer Coil Test Switch (Designated
(alternator) regulator to the test stand.
87. Starter Binding Posts
(Designated as
The equalizer coil test switch (8), located at
t h e lower left hand end of the binding post
p a n e l (fig. 15) is a 2-position (off-momen-
The starter binding posts (11), located in
t a r y - o n ) single-pole, single-throw, 20-ampere,
30-volt dc, toggle switch. It is used to indicate
the center of the binding post panel (fig. 15)
consists o f f o u r b i n d i n g p o s t s m a r k e d
when performing tests on 28-volt (100-or 400-
a m p e r e ) ac/dc systems and 150 and 400-am-
"STALL TORQUE." The binding posts are
pere generator control boxes. Place the lever of
threaded and are constructed as the upper four
the switch to the "ON" position to indicate the