ternator it will be necessary to establish a speed
t h e high speed driving head (4, fig.
7 ) . Follow mounting procedures pre-
(3) T u r n the tachometer indicator high-
will indicate this speed (rpm). After complet-
low switch (18) to the "LOW" posi-
i n g these adjustments, any variation in the
tion and the tachometer indicator
speed (rpm) of the pulley driven generator or
d i r e c t - d r i v e calibrating potentiometer
switch (19) to the "DIRECT DRIVE"
i n d i c a t o r meter. To make these adjustments
proceed as follows:
(4) S t a r t the varidrive assembly as pre-
(1) Obtain the rated speed (rpm) of the
generator or alternator to be tested,
s p e e d (rpm) of the pulley (drivers)
m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s literature or name-
(rpm) of the varidrive assembly to a
plate data on the generator or
c a r d i n a l point on the tachometer in-
dicator meter (3) using the speed con-
(2) If the rated speed is below 3,300 rpm,
t r o l (32). For example: If the gen-
erator or alternator is mounted on the
low speed head, select a point on the
t a c h o m e t e r indicator meter (reading
If the rated speed is above 3,300 rpm,
on lower scale) in the vicinity of 2,000