observed when extremes of temperature, hu-
105. Operation i n
Extreme Hot-Weather
midity, and atmospheric conditions are present.
P r o p e r cleaning, lubrication, and storage and
a. General. The test stand should be situated
h a n d l i n g of lubricants not only insure proper
so that it is protected from the direct rays of
operation and functioning, but also guard
the sun during operation. Keep the air intake
a g a i n s t excessive wear of the working parts
a n d exhaust free of obstructions which may
h a m p e r proper ventilation. Be alert during
operation for unusual odors, smoke, noises, or
104. Operation in
Extreme Cold-Weather
o t h e r indications of an overheated varidrive
assembly or unit under test.
a . General. Other than as specified below,
o p e r a t i o n under extreme cold-weather condi-
c. Lubrication. Lubricate the test stand in
tions will be the same as under usual conditions.
a c c o r d a n c e with prevailing temperatures as
b. Batteries. Refer to TM 9-6140-200-15 for
prescribed in the lubrication chart (fig. 62) and
procedures to follow for the care of batteries
when used under unusual conditions.
106. Operation in
High Humidity
c. Lubrication. Lubricate the test stand in
Start the test stand and run the test stand
a c c o r d a n c e with prevailing temperatures as
approximately 15 minutes at 1,000 rpm to allow
prescribed in the lubrication chart (fig. 62) and
circulation of air within the cabinet to dissipate
d. Starting. S t a r t t h e v a r i d r i v e a s s e m b l y
f r o m a low-temperature area to a high-tem-
(par. 93a and b) and allow the assembly to run
perature area, keep the unit covered, if possible,
for at least 15 minutes at approximately 1,000
w i t h a waterproof coverage until it warms to
r p m to warm up completely before starting
ambient temperature in order to minimize
" S W E A T I N G " or moisture formation.