100. Positive Ground Systems
under test, pars. 100 and 101) and
slide the safety clip (33-B) off the
When testing systems having a positive
s t o p button (33-C).
g r o u n d (fig. 29) place the polarity reversing
switch (50, fig. 16) in the "POS-GND" position
N o t e . The safety clip (33-B) must be
off the stop button (33-C) to perform the
a n d connect the generator armature terminal
p o l a r i z i n g procedures, (3) above. Do not
to the "G-" binding post (13-B, fig. 15) of the
push the start button (33-A) as the vari-
generator input binding posts of the test stand.
d r i v e assembly need not be running for
C o n n e c t the generator frame (ground) to the
this test.
"G+" binding post (13-A, fig. 15) of the gen-
Turn the dc variable power supply
erator input binding posts.
control (48) SLOWLY clockwise
101. Negative Ground Systems
(5) until a 6 volt reading is obtained
When testing systems having a negative
g r o u n d (fig. 29), place the polarity reversing
v o l t a g e for about 5 seconds, then
switch (50, fig. 16) in the "NEG-GND" posi-
t u r n the dc variable power supply
t i o n and connect the generator armature ter-
control (48) fully counterclockwise.
minal to the "G+" binding post (13-A, fig. 15)
of the generator input binding posts of the test
(j) The generator is now properly po-
s t a n d . Connect the generator frame (ground)
larized. Place the variable external
to the "G-" binding post (13-B, fig. 15) of the
v o l t s on-off switch (28-A) in the
generator input binding posts.
"OFF" position and turn the dc
v o l t m e t e r circuit selector switch
102. Checking the Setting of
Voltage Regu-
(23) to the "RECT GEN" position.
lator Unit
( k ) Remove test leads (c), (d), and ( e )
a. The method used to check the setting of
the voltage regulator unit (fig. 34) of a gen-