Note. The key numbers shown below in
parentheses in
this section refer to
figure 32 except
where otherwise
(6) Current regulator.
1 4 5 to 155 am-
Current setting range
The Delco Products (Delco-Remy) 150-am-
peres, adjust to
150 amperes
somewhat in construction from the General
Electric 150-ampere generator control box de-
(7) Differential
19.5 to 21.5 volts
Closing voltage
r e s u l t s are the same. It consists of a voltage
20 volts
Adjust to
regulator, actuating relay, circuit breaker relay,
(8) Paralleling relay.
current regulator, differential relay, paralleling
19.5 to 21.5 volts
Closing voltage
r e l a y , reverse current overload relay, voltage
20 volts
Adjust to
a d j u s t i n g rheostat and several rectifiers and
(9) Reverse current overload relay.
75 to 100 amperes
Reverse current setting
124. 150-Ampere Generator Control Box
c. Preparation.
Control Units Tests (Delco Products)
(1) Turn all selector switches beneath the
a. Purpose. This test is performed to indicate
meters on the test stand to the maxi-
the functioning of the control units of the 150-
m u m reading position, all rheostats
a m p e r e generator control box (fig. 41) and
fully counterclockwise, and all on-off
whether setting adjustments are required to the
toggle switches to the "OFF" position
units so they perform in accordance with manu-
(some toggle switches have center po-
facturer's specifications.
sition as "OFF") (fig. 32).
b. Tabulated Data.
(2) M o u n t a 1 5 0 - a m p e r e g e n e r a t o r o f
(1) M a n u f a c t u r e r .
known serviceable condition (par.
Delco Products (Delco-Remy)
1 1 8 ) on the low speed driving head
(2) Identifying number.
Model number
O r d n a n c e number
(3) Voltage regulator.
Voltage setting range
26.9 to 28.1 volts
A d j u s t to
27.5 volts
input binding posts (13, fig. 15) of the
(4) Actuating relay.
Closing voltage range
24.5 to 26.5 volts
a p p l i c a b l e leads and cable harnesses
adjust to 25.5
R e v e r s e current
15 to 32 amperes
tween "B-" and "G-" regulator
at 25.0 volts
(5) Circuit breaker relay.
Closing voltage
19.5 to 21.5 volts
(6) Mount the 150-ampere generator con-
adjust to 20
trol box undergoing test on the control
box mounting plate (number 3144 (fig.
Sealing voltage
Not less than
6 9 ) ) and connect it to the regulator
closing voltage
b i n d i n g post panel using applicable
and not more
harnesses and leads as shown in figure
than 1.6 volts
38 (these harnesses and leads are listed
above closing