Figure 42. Testing output of
Jack and Heintz, model G22-7F, 300-ampere generator.
position (some toggle switches have
2.25 ohms + 0.2 ohms at
center positions as "OFF") (fig. 32).
77 F
1.3 volts + 0.1 volts at
Interpole drop
6,500 rpm 28.5 volts and
der test on the low speed driving
300 amperes, terminals
head (5, fig. 7) (par. 94).
"E" and "D"
Blower data (model
model number
tor input binding posts (13, fig. 15)
5.40 pounds
of the test stand, as shown in figure
Ordnance number
42, using applicable leads and cable
harnesses (figs. 71, 73, and 74).
c. Preparation.
(5) Connect a connecting link (fig. 65)
(1) Turn all selector switches beneath
b e t w e e n "B+" and "G+" and be-
the meters on the test stand to the
tween "B-" and "G-" regulator
maximum reading position, all rheo-
binding posts (10, fig. 15) as shown
stats fully counterclockwise, and all
on-off toggle switches to the "OFF"