(4) R e m o v e the two rear panels (fig. 3)
(3) Inspect the lower and upper varidiscs
( 1 1 ) and (15) and their companion
s t a r t e r mounting bracket assembly
varidiscs for scarred and greasy con-
(fig. 6)
from the test stand. Remove
dition. Clean if required (par. 146) or
the access cover (not shown) from the
replace if unserviceable.
s i d e of the varidrive assembly hous-
d. Assembly.
i n g (19).
(1) Insert the V belt (18) through the
(5) U n s c r e w the four hexagon-head cap
support cover opening (16). Position
screws (8) and remove the end cover
( 9 ) and lubrication fitting extension
one end of the V belt between the up-
per varidiscs (15), and slide the op-
posite end of the belt over the end of
(6) Unscrew the four round-head machine
the rotor (motor) shaft (13) as illus-
g e n e r a t o r (2) and coupling bushing
(2) Slide the lower varidisc (11) onto the
(7) U n s c r e w the two cup-point hexagon-
rotor (motor) shaft (13) to the exact
socket setscrews (4) and unscrew the
p o s i t i o n of distance (14) (measured
c o u p l i n g adapter (5).
o r scribed location line before re-
moval; refer to note
(8) U n s c r e w the eight hexagon-head cap
screws (6) and remove the support
(3) S e c u r e the lower varidisc (11) by
c o v e r (7).
x 2 hexa-
tightening the four
Note. Before removing the lower varidisc
gon-head cap screws (10).
(11) from the rotor (motor) shaft (13),
Note. Correct lower varidisc alinement is
m e a s u r e and note the exact distance (14)
essential and at no time should the V belt be
or scribe a locating line on the rotor (motor)
inch out of line.
m o r e than
s h a f t to assure proper V belt alinement at
time of installation in d b e l o w .
(4) Rotate the lower varidisc
(11) by
(9) L o o s e n the four hexagon-head cap
h a n d , and at the same time
turn the
screws (10) on the lower varidisc
handle of the speed control
( 1 1 ) and remove the lower varidisc
16) slightly in the clockwise
from the rotor (motor) shaft (13).
until the slack in the V belt
is taken
(10) Remove the V belt (18) from the vari-
drive assembly housing, by sliding one
(5) S l i p the support cover (7) over the
end of the V belt off and over the end
e n d of the driven (driving heads)
o f the rotor (motor) shaft (13), and
shaft (17) and secure the cover to the
the opposite end of the V belt off and
varidrive assembly housing (19) with
over the upper varidisc (15) and out
the four -13 x 2 hexagon-head cap
of the support cover opening (16), as
s c r e w s (6).
(6) T h r e a d the coupling adapter (5) into
c. Inspection.
the end of the driven (driving heads)
s h a f t (17) and secure with the two
(1) Inspect the V belt (18) for frayed,
cup-point hexagon-socket
-20 x
c r a c k e d , or other indications of de-
s e t s c r e w s (4).
t e r i o r a t i o n . Replace if unserviceable.
(7) Replace the coupling bushing (3) and
( 2 ) Inspect the tachometer generator (2)
for chipped, cracked or broken hous-
ing, and for frayed, burned, hard, and
port cover (7) and secure with the
four No. 12-24 x round-head ma-
b r i t t l e insulation on the electrical
chine screws (1).