TM 9-4910-586-14 & P
1 - 2 . This manual provides operation, maintenance, and parts listing information for the
Department of the Army,
Drawing Number 8708857 Universal
T r a n s p o r t Stand.
1-4. The Universal Transport Stand, herein referred as Stand, is provided for moving of
engines and heavy equipment. Adjustable supports provide a rigid mounting for various size
equipment . In addition to providing a means of moving equipment, the Stand may be utilized
to provide storage of equipment to enable quick access when required.
1-6. The Stand is a general purpose, heavy-duty, engine transport stand of welded steel
c o n s t r u c t i o n . The Stand is composed of a base assembly mounted on wheels and four
v e r t i c a l l y - m o u n t e d support assemblies.
1-8. The Stand base assembly is composed of a welded, steel channel frame with attached
w h e e l assemblies, jack stand, and rear brace assembly. The front of the Stand utilizes
swivel wheel assemblies, while the rear of the Stand utilizes fixed wheel assemblies. An
adjustable jack stand is provided at the left front of the Stand base assembly to lock the
Stand in position, and to avoid rolling on inclines. T h e rear brace assembly, provided as an
additional means of support for engine mounting, is bolted through slotted holes in the rear
cross-member of the Stand base assembly to enable lateral adjustment.
1 - 1 0 . The support assemblies, which are vertically mounted and adjustable, are the main
load-bearing supports of the Stand. The support assemblies are bolted to the Stand base
assembly through slotted holes in the support assemblies and the Stand base assembly. Slots
axes are 90 degrees apart, enabling a wide range of lateral and longitudinal adjustment to
suit various equipment dimensions. Lateral adjustment provides for dimensions of 9 to 39
inches (nominal) width. Longitudinal adjustment provides for dimensions of 7-3/8 to 31-5/8
inches (nominal) between support assembly centerlines.