TM 9-4910-586-14 & P
4. Using a suitable lifting device, lift the equipment to be moved into position over the
Stand and lower the equipment into position.
5. Insure that the equipment is secure in the Stand prior to proceeding.
6. Loosen the jack stand at the left front of the Stand.
7. Move the equipment mounted on the Stand to the desired location.
8. Tighten the jack stand at the left front of the Stand.
9. Using a suitable lifting device, lift the equipment from the Stand.
3-2. Maintenance is limited to general cleaning, lubrication, and replacement of damaged
3-4. Periodically, the Stand should be wiped clean of grease and dirt. The wheel assemblies
should be greased with general-purpose grease (MIL-G-23549 or equivalent). Note that each
wheel assembly has a grease fitting on the wheel axle and, in addition, each swivel wheel
assembly has a grease fitting on the swivel axis.
3-6. The Stand should be inspected periodically for damaged parts, faulty or loosely-mounted
w h e e l a s s e m b l i e s , a n d r u s t b u i l d - u p . Inspect wheel assemblies for binding, chipped wheels
and defective bearings. Refer to paragraph 3-7 for repair procedures.
3-8. Repair procedures are limited to rust removal and repainting and replacement of
d a m a g e d p a r t s . Faulty wheel assemblies and damaged parts should be replaced (refer to
3-9. Rust Removal and Repainting
1. Remove the affected part (refer to paragraph 3-10 for disassembly procedures).
2. Remove all rust from the area with sandpaper.
3. Apply military approved primer to the area.
4. Allow primer to dry thoroughly.
5. Apply military approved matching paint.
6. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly.