vent, and air vent covers. Use oil (PL special
or OE-10).
c. L u b r i c a t e a l l m e t a l - t o - m e t a l m o v i n g
Caution: More frequent lubrication may be
required for items listed above in excessively
a. Clean and tighten the cmnponents, racks,
hot, humid, or dusty areas. Do not overlubri-
m o u n t i n g s , installations, cables, and connec-
d. Remove the shelter air
b. Inspect the components, racks, mount-
1 4 ) and soak it in
compound, ben-
i n g s , installations, and exposed metal surfaces
zine, or naphtha. Shake loose
dirt from the air
f o r rust, corrosion, and moisture.
f i l t e r , air-dry the filter, and
replace it in its
c. Inspect the cables and wires for cuts,
e. Check the fire extinguishers (fig. 11 and
14) for a broken wire seal on the trigger me-
d. Inspect for looseness of accessible items,
c h a n i s m . If an extinguisher has been used, or
s u c h as component switches, circuit breaker
if there are any signs of leakage, request that
s w i t c h e s , signal and ac cable assemblies, and
i t be recharged by appropriate personnel.
e. Clean the air filter, nameplates, meters,
35. Equipment Performance Checklist
and clock.
The equipment performance checklist is
f. I n s p e c t m e t e r s a n d c l o c k f o r d a m a g e d
u s e d to systematically check the AN/MSC-32.
g l a s s and cases.
Only first echelon maintenance corrective
g. Wind the clock (fig. 13).
measures are given in the Corrective measures
column. If the corrective measures given do
h. Inspect the shelter for support, installa-
n o t correct the fault, request higher echelon
t i o n , rust, corrosion, and moisture.
m a i n t e n a n c e . When using the checklist, start
i. Check the entrance boxes, exhaust blower
a t the beginning and follow each step con-
v e n t s , and air filter intake for cracks, leaks,
s e c u t i v e l y . If the trouble is suspected in a
d a m a g e d gaskets, dirt, and grease.
p a r t i c u l a r area, start checking at that point
j. Check for normal operation.
a n d continue the steps sequentially. Refer to
t h e power schematic-wiring diagram (fig. 41)
34. Monthly Preventive Maintenance and
w h e n checking the S-184/MSC-32 ac circuits.
When a fault or trouble is located in a major
a. Lubricate locks and latches. Use grease,
c o m p o n e n t item, refer to the applicable tech-
g r a p h i t e , aircraft (GGA).
n i c a l manual (appx I). First echelon repair
b. Lubricate the hinges on the shelter door
p r o c e d u r e s are
a n d on the entrance boxes, exhaust blower
t h r o u g h 45.