cables and wires to become hard, brittle, and
(6) Connect field wire to the terminals as
difficult to handle. Be careful when handling
the cables and when connecting them to the
h . Patching (fig. 19). The SB-22(*)/PT,
A N / M S C - 3 2 so the kinks and unnecessary
TH-5/TG line, PHONE 1 through PHONE
loops will not result in permanent damage.
(TA-312/PT), and INTERCOM (LS-
Make sure that the binding posts and cable re-
147(*)/FI) circuits are connected directly to
ceptacles on the outside of the AN/MSC-32
their assigned lines and no patching is re-
are free of frost, snow, and ice by replacing
quired. Teletypewriter circuits are established
on a direct-current (dc) or vf basis by patch-
covers on the entrance boxes when they are
ing. Perform the following procedures at the
not in use. Lower the folding side panels when
patch panel:
the entrance box covers are open. Replace
(1) Vf half-duplex teletypewriter opera-
the connector cover as soon as the connector
is disconnected from the equipment; never
(a) Patch the TT-4A/TG (#1 or #2)
drag or place an open connector in the snow.
SEND jack or the TT-76/GGC TR
b. Hot Climates. In hot, dry climates, the
and TD (as desired) jacks to the
SEND jack of a TH-5/TG (No. 1,
subject to damage from dirt and dust. Lower
2, or 3).
the folding side panels when the entrance box
(b) Patch the TT-4A/TG (#1 or #2)
covers are open. Close the covers on the en-
REC jack or the TT-76/GGC REC
trance boxes when they are not in use and
j a c k to the REC jack of a TH-
replace the covers on the cable connectors.
5/TG (No. 1, 2, or 3).
Never drag or place an open connector on the
(2) Dc teletypewriter operation. Patch,
as desired, any TT-4A/TG (#1 and
c. Warm, Damp Climates. In warm, damp
#2) jack and TT-76/GGC jack to a
climates, the equipment is subject to damage
L I N E S SPARES (16 through 21)
from moisture and fungi. Wipe all moisture
jack: or, if required, to any LINES
and fungi from the exterior of the equipment
SB-22/PT (1 through 12) jack. In
with a lint-free cloth.
the latter case, the associated line
jack on the SB-22(*)/PT is discon-
nected from its assigned line circuit.
(3) Telephone net. Patch PHONE 1, 2,
3, or 4 jack to another PHONE jack,
a. Major Components. Stopping procedures
a LINES SPARES (16 through 21)
are not required for the SB-22(*)/PT, or the
jack, or a LINES SB-22/PT(1
TA-312/PT. Refer to the appropriate techni-
through 12) jack. In the latter case,
cal manuals for teletypewriter equipment stop-
the associated line jack on the SB-
2 2 ( * ) / P T is disconnected from the
57 for procedures to be performed for storage
assigned line circuit.
or transit of the AN/MSC-32.
b. S-184/MSC-32 Components.
28. Operation Under Adverse Climatic
(1) Electric heaters. Operate the TEM-
PERATURE CONTROL to its lowest
Operations Central AN/MSC-32 can be op-
setting and the HEAT-OFF-FAN
erated in extremely cold or hot climates. The
switch to OFF.
shelter offers complete protection from the ele-
(2) Intercommunication Station LS-147
ments for personnel and equipment; however,
(*)/FI. O p e r a t e t h e O F F - S E N D
when the entrance boxes are exposed to ad-
switch to OFF.
verse conditions, the following precautions are
a. Cold Climates. Extreme cold causes the