Left Landing Leg Gear Box (Thomas)
Right Landing Leg Gear Box (Thomas)
Landing Leg Foot (Thomas)
Landing Leg (Westran)
Landing Leg (Thomas)
This section pertains to organizational maintenance of the semitrailers' landing leg. Included are organiza-
tional maintenance procedures for the landing leg foot, landing leg, and gear boxes. Information is provided
for two different models of the landing leg as follows:
Thomas Landing Leg Assembly
Westran Landing Leg Assembly
movement of semitrailer. Lift front end of semi-
trailer with jacks and blocks. Remove two locknuts
on screws through lower ends of legs and axle,
and remove screws. Withdraw axIe out of foot to
be removed.
b. Cleaning, lnspection and Repair. Wipe axle
and both feet clean. Where old lubricant has
hardened, clean with dry-cleaning solvent (PD-680)
wear, distortion, and cracks. Check for chipped
paint. Replace and repaint as necessary to return
parts to serviceability.
end of Ianding leg. Insert axle through one side of
foot to other leg and foot. Match screw holes in
legs and axles and insert two 1/2-20NF-3X5 screws.
Screw 1/2-20NF-3 locknuts onto screws and tighten.
(2) Remove adjustable brace rod and leg brace from leg by removing nuts, Iockwashers and screws
attaching braces to leg. If rod and brace cannot be swung out of the way, loosen nuts on ends
attached to semitraiIer frame.
(3) Remove two locknuts and capscrews from connecting shaft between legs and from operating
shaft extending gear box of leg.
(4) Remove seven nuts, Iockwashers and capscrews which attach gear box of leg to semitrailer frame.
Slide leg and gear box outward and off of semitrailer.