TM 9-2330-271-14&P
(3) Loosen two bolts (13) from inner face of
(6) Install access cover (20) with new cover
spring seat (15). Raise ends of main axles until bottom
gasket (19) and secure with six bolts (22) and lock
of spring assembly and center bolt clear top of spring
washers (21).
(7) Lower main axles until spring assembly
(4) Remove six bolts (22) and lock washers
seats in top of spring seat. Spring assembly center bolt
(21) from access cover (20). Remove access cover and
must fit into recess in top of spring seat.
gasket (19). Discard gasket if defective.
(8) Position upper spring seat on top of spring
(5) Remove adjusting nuts (17) and key
assembly. Install two U-bolts over upper spring seat and
washer (18) using wrench NSN 5120-00-795-0059.
down through four holes in spring seat assembly.
Remove outer tapered bushing (11).
Secure U-bolts with four nuts and lock washers (fig. 4-
(6) Remove spring seat assembly (15) by
39). Torque nuts to 255-280 lb.-ft.
using slight rocking motion (left and right) while carefully
(9) Tighten two bolts (13) on inner face of
sliding seat out and away from axle and bracket
spring seat (15) with a torque of 280-365 lb-ft.
assembly (1). It is possible inner bearing cup (12) will
(10) Remove jack supporting axle and bracket
remain in spring seat.
(7) Remove inner tapered bushing (11),
encased seal (9), packing retainer (8), flat washers (6
and 7) from axle and bracket assembly (1). Discard
Lower Torque Rod Removal.
b. Cleaning. Clean mud and dirt from all exposed
(1) Place jack under axle and bracket
parts with water and stiff brush. Remove grease from
assembly. Raise axle enough to relieve spring load from
spring seat parts with approved cleaning solvent
front and rear main axle brackets.
(2) Remove eight nuts and lock washers
c. Inspection and Repair
securing ball ends of four lower torque rods to axle and
(1) Inspect for broken or cracked parts. Re-
bracket assembly and main axle lower torque rod
place broken, cracked, or defective parts.
(2) Check bearing seats and oil seal surface
on bracket for roughness or damage. File or grind
The rubber-mounted torque rod ball ends
smooth high spots, burrs, or roughness. Check that
allow rods to be moved out of normal
parts meet the requirements of repair standards listed in
alignment for removal or installation.
table 6-1 and figure 6-1.
Extreme care must be taken to prevent
(3) Replace any part that does not meet
damage to thread on ball ends.
these standards.
(3) Tap threaded ends of each torque rod ball
end with soft hammer or soft bar to loosen ball ends from
(1) Prior to installation of spring seat
their respective brackets.
assembly, saturate encased seal (9) with lubricating oil
(4) Remove lower torque rods from their
respective mountings by prying rod ends out and away
from axle bracket assembly and prying in and away from
(2) Install flat washers (6 and 7), encased
main axle lower torque rod brackets.
seal (9) and inner tapered bushing (11) on axle and
b. Lower Torque Rod Installation.
bracket assembly (1).
(1) Make sure ball ends and mounting holes
(3) Install inner bearing cup (12) in spring
in brackets are free of dirt. Follow instructions of Note
seat (15) and slide seat on axle and bracket assembly
(1) against flat washer (7) and seal (9) and over flat
(2) Install lower torque rods in the reverse
washer (6).
(4) Install outer bearing cup (12), outer
c. Upper Torque Rod Removal.
tapered bushing (11) and inner adjusting nut (17). Using
wrench NSN 5120-00-795-0059, tighten inner adjusting
(2) Remove left wheel and tire assemblies
nut (17) to a torque of 70 lb-ft. Back off approximately
one-fourth of a turn. Spring seat (15) should turn freely
without lateral movement.
(3) Remove left spring assemblies (steps (3)
(5) Install key washer (18) and secure with
outer adjusting nut (17), tightening to a torque of 150 lb-
(4) Raise front and rear axles to relieve
ft. Peen outer edges of lock nut over no less than two
weight of each axle from upper torque rods. Provide a
flats of each adjusting nut.
secure means of support to hold this position.