TM 9-2330-294-14
Figure 4-6. Intervehicular receptacle cover and circuit breaker.
4-17. Intervehicular Receptacle Cover Replace.
4-18. Utility Outlet Replacement
ment and Repair
a. Removal.
(1) Disconnect utility outlet electrical connector
a. Removal. Remove four nuts, two lock washers
at main wiring harness .-
(upper), two external tooth lock washers (lower) and
(2) Remove cover from outlet.
four screws securing receptacle cover, connector
assembly and wiring harness ground leads to
securing outlet to bracket and remove cover and
gooseneck bracket. Remove receptacle cover.
b. Repair. Remove cracked or worn rubber disc in
b. Installation. Replace utility outlet and install
cover and replace. Cement new disc in cover with
in reverse order of removal (a above).
adhesive, rubber, type 11, (MMM-A-1617).
c. Installation. Install receptacle cover in reverse
order of removal (a above) being certain to connect
wiring harness ground wires to bottom screws.