TM 9-2330-356-14
(3) Loosen or tighten adjusting bolt (14) in center
of strongback until latch just clears the secondary latch on
(1) Position manhole cover gasket (10). Set
end of strongback.
manhole cover (9) in place and retain with clamp (4).
(4) Open fill cover (7) and tighten locknut (5).
(2) Secure clamp with bolt (1), washer (2), and
nut (3).
(5) Close cover and recheck clearances of latch
and strongback.
b. Removal.
(1) Remove bolt (l), washer (2), and nut (3) that
(1) Check ladder and drain pipe connections on
holds manhole clamp (4) to semitrailer.
top of semitrailer to ensure that drain holes are open and
free of debris.
(2) Remove clamp ring to free manhole cover (9)
and gasket (10).
(2) Check bolts for tightness at top of semitrailer
and at bottom.
c. Disassembly.
(3) Check welds on bolt flange on both top and
(1) Remove locknut (5) and remove fill cover (7),
bottom to make sure they are not loose or cracked.
adjusting bolt (14), and spring (15).
(2) Remove vent (8) and gasket (6) from fill cover
(7). If gummed up with product, or if there are signs of
(1) Remove any debris from top of semitrailer
obvious damage, replace vent.
that may plug drain holes.
(3) Using a punch and hammer, drive pin (11)
(2) Tighten bolts if loose.
from safety latch (13). Remove spring (12).
(3) If any welds are cracked or loose, notify direct
d. Assembly.
support maintenance for repair.
(1) Position safety latch (13) and spring (12) on
manhole cover (9). Install pin (11). Peen end of pin to
secure safety latch to manhole cover.
(1) Ladder. Remove eight capscrews and nuts and
remove ladder. Install and position new ladder on tank.
(2) Install gasket (6) and vent (8) to fill cover (7).
Secure with eight capscrews and nuts.
(3) Install assembled fill cover to manhole (9)
(2) Drain Pipes. Remove four capscrews and nuts
using adjusting bolt (14), spring (15), and locknut (5).
on each drain pipe. Remove drain pipe. Install and
position new drain pipe on tank, and secure with four
(4) Adjust (step a).
capscrews and nuts.
4-62. Bulk
Transfer Hose Assembly
Removal. Remove retainer clips from hose
If wooden fuel gage is unreadable or broken, replace. If
retainers (figs. 4-95 and 4-96), slide bar aside, and remove
cap, chain, or storage tube is missing or damaged, replace.
hose from trough.
4-65. Nozzle, Adapter, and Sampling Bags (M970
Installation. Put hose in trough, move bar into
and M970A1)
position, and attach retainer clip.
The tool box contains four bags for the underwing and
overwing nozzle, two canvas protector bags for ends of
hoses, closed circuit nozzle, and adapter and sampling kit.
If grounding rod is bent, straighten rod. Replace any
If any bags are worn or missing, replace.
damaged or missing chain and clip pin part.