TM 9-2330-356-14
(2) Read and observe all safety precautions in the
Care of Bearings.
Warning Summary before performing any welding
Surface Protection.
Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 is toxic and
(1) Clean and repaint all surfaces on which paint
Always wear protective
has deteriorated or become damaged.
goggles and gloves, and use only in a well-
ventllated area. Avoid contact with skin,
(2) Do not paint grounding studs or electrical
eyes, and clothes, and DO NOT breathe va-
harnesses or leads.
pors. DO NOT use near open flame or ex-
cessive heat. The solvent's flash point Is
(3) Paint exterior of vehicle olive drab in
1OOF-138F (38C-59C). If you be-
accordance with TT-E-529 or TT-E-485.
come dizzy while using cleaning solvent,
Immediately get fresh air and medical help.
Repairing Damaged Threads.
If solvent contacts eyes, immediately wash
your eyes with water and get medical aid.
(1) When determined feasible by inspection,
damaged threads should be repaired by retapping, by use
Compressed air used for drying or clean-
of a thread die or a thread restorer file.
ing purposes must not exceed 30 psi
(207 kPa). Wear protective clothing
(2) Tapped holes for screw thread inserts that
(goggles and gloves) and use caution to
have mutilated threads may be repaired by:
avoid Injury to personnel.
(a) Drilling and tapping holes oversize, then
installing larger screws.
Refer to TM 9-214 for further Information on
(b) Filling tapped hole by welding, then
the inspection, care, and maintenance of
redrilling and tapping hole to original size.
Removing Burrs, Scratches, and Raised Metal.
(1) Clean ball and roller bearings by placing them
in a wire basket and immersing in a container of fresh dry
bearings in the solvent to remove all traces of old
Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 Is toxic and
flammable. Always wear protective goggles
and gloves, and use only In a well-ventilated
area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and
(2) After cleaning the bearings, dry them with
clothes, and DO NOT breathe vapors. DO
clean compressed air. Take care to prevent spinning the
NOT use near open flame or excessive heat.
bearings when using a compressed air jet.
The solvent's flash point is 100F-138F
(38C-59C). If you become dizzy while us-
(3) Dip the cleaned bearings in clean engine oil
ing cleaning solvent, immediately get fresh
and immediately wrap them in a lint-free cloth (item 24,
air and medical help. If solvent contacts eyes,
Appendix E) to
protect them from dust and other foreign
immediately wash your eyes with water and
get medical aid.
Specific Procedures
(1) Use fine mill file, soft stone, or crocus cloth
raised metal.
(1) Refer to TM 9-237 for welding instructions
(2) When filing aluminum, clean file often with
and materials. All welds must reflect good workmanship
steel file brush to avoid loading file with aluminum
and approved welding procedures. Welds must be secure,
particles which will gouge work surface.
free from cracks, excessive spatter, and obvious defects.