TM 9-2330-356-14
may have to be removed before attaching
Remove the two baffles (34, fig. 7-9) by removing
capscrew (32) and washer (33).
(1) Remove engine from engine mounting frame
(para 5-20) and attach to an
engine maintenance stand, if
not done previously.
Remove reeker arms by removing self-locking
arm nuts (1, fig. 7-25) and reeker arm balls (2) on each
rocker arm (3). Lift reeker arm (3) off.
i. Remove five capscrews (4), push rod guide plate
(5), six screws (6), and washers (7) holding each cylinder
head (8) to cylinder block (9).
Do not set the cylinder assembly upright until
Remove push rod (15) and remove cylinder heads.
after removal of the oil pump pick-up cup
If heads stick, rap sharply with a soft hammer. Do not use a
assembly, camshaft, and valve tappets
pry. Do not strike cooling fins.
described In the following paragraphs.
Remove push rod shields (17) and seals (16),
(4) Turn cylinder block and oil base on its side.
spring (18), washers (19), and tappets (20).
Remove cylinder head gaskets (10).
Piston and Connecting Rod
Do not attempt to pry the oil base free of the
cylinder block assembly. If necessary, use a
soft mallet to separate the oil base.
(1) Each piston (7) is fitted with three
compression rings and an oil control ring (4).
(2) Full floating piston pins (6) connect the piston
lockwashers (4) and remove the oil base (1) from cylinder
to the connecting rod (12). The pins are held in place with
block (38).
a retaining ring (5) at each end.
(3) The lower end of each connecting rod
and bracket (2), and remove oil cup assembly (1).
contains half-shell, precision bearings (11), and the upper
end contains reamed bushings (13).
(7) Remove ridge from cylinder bore with a ridge
reamer before removing piston.
bearings (6) from each connecting rod (8). Push piston
assembly (9) upward through top of cylinder bore with a
The connecting rod and cap are stamped
soft wooden tool to prevent rod bearing damage. If piston
for Installation in the proper cylinder. When
assembly cannot be removed, turn crankshaft to aline
removing piston assemblies, check the
connecting rod with the crankshaft.
marking so each piston can be Installed in
the proper cylinder.
(9) Loosely install cap (7) and bearings (6) on the
corresponding removed piston assembly to maintain
When using some maintenance stands, the
proper grouping.
engine starter and air shutter assembly