D i s c o n n e c t all outside power before performing any
maintenance on the electrical system. Failure to do so
could result in serious injury or death.
(1) Remove two screws (1, figure 4-7) securing door (2). Remove door (2).
(2) Remove four screws (3) securing plate (4) to semitrailer body.
D O not pull on wires, only pull connectors apart.
P u l l i n g on wires could damage them.
Disconnect light cable (6) connector.
(3) Lift off plate (4) and gasket (5).
Withdraw cable (6) from semitrailer.
Removing or installing
Removing or installing
Removing or installing
clearance light cable
clearance light assembly
clearance light door
C l e a r a n c e light assembly
(2) L e n s ( 3 ) i s c l i p p e d t o d o o r ( 2 ) b y p u s h - o n n u t s
Pry off nuts to
r e m o v e lens from door.
(3) R e m o v e lamp (5) from lampholder (6).
(4) P r y o u t g a s k e t ( 7 ) f r o m l a m p h o l d e r ( 6 ) .
( 5 ) R e m o v e C-washer (9) and shell (8) from end of cable.