TM 9-2330-381-14
Place a hydraulic floor jack near curbside of platform for hydraulic control module frame to be lowered onto.
Center lifting device over hydraulic transmission jack and lower hydraulic control module frame (4) onto jack.
Make sure hydraulic control module frame (4) is sitting firmly on hydraulic transmission jack. Lower lifting device
and disconnect lifting device from two chains (44 and 45). Move lifting device clear of platform and module frame.
Remove three capscrews (42) and chains (44 and 45) from hydraulic control module frame (4). Set chains on top
of platform.
Using two people, move hydraulic transmission jack and hydraulic control module frame into position under
platform. Operate jack and raise module frame into alinement with mounting brackets.
Install three screws (42) and lockwashers (43) to secure hydraulic control module frame (4) in place.
Lower hydraulic transmission jack and move jack clear of work area.