TM 9-4910-387-14-2
70 WIRE. Position one end with terminal lug on
forward tachometer
reversing relay contact (83) and position other end with terminal lug
on reverse tachometer reversing relay contact (84).
71 SCREW (85). Install.
72 WIRE. Position one end with terminal lug on
reverse tachometer
reversing relay contact (84) and position other end on starter contact
73 SCREW (87). Install.
74 WIRE. Position one end on starter contact (86) and position other
end on starter contact (88).
75 SCREW (89). Tighten.
76 WIRE. Position one end on starter contact (88) and position the
other end on starter contact (90).
77 SCREW (91). Tighten.
78 SCREW (92). Install.